Monday, May 16, 2011

Chapter 2 ~ You're Mean When You're--

This is going to be more of a random chapter, you know, just to squeeze another one in.And sorry if it's so short! ~ Geek

 Aww, who do we have here?

Trixie: Shut the hell's just the stomach flu..

Mmhhm, you keep wishing! And what did you say to Stiles last chapter?

 Oh, you're moving..

Trixie: Yeah..across the street..and he's coming..


Trixie: Oh yes he is! We're dating now..

Since when?

Trixie: Since he asked me..
 What? You're cooking?

Trixie: I can't take it..the poor people food..*shivers* I interrupting something?

Stiles: Yes, in fact, you are!

Ok then, I'll just stay here with you horrid, disgusting nice people.

 Do you guys like, hate each other?

Trixie: Yes, we're madly in love..

 Hmm, interesting flu..

Trixie: Shut the F*** up!

You're evil..especially when there's two of you..if this one if evil as well, you'll be sorry..

Trixie: You can't take my life away when I'm pregnant!

Watch me.. 0.0


 Stiles: I FELT IT! It kicked!

Trixie: Sty, I'm only 15 sim minutes in..relax..

Stiles: Oh my goodness!

 The TV get electrocuted I'm going to wet myself

Stiles: Don't worry I got this!

 Trixie: What's that awful smell?

You..look down
 Trixie: Eww Stiles!

Stiles: Uh..that wasn't me..

*cough cough* Trixie *cough cough*

Trixie >.<

 Ar hahaha! You got singed!

Stiles: Shut up..Trixie peed in front of the TV!

Trixie: Next to! Get your facts right!

Stiles: You still peed in the same room!

 Uh..perverted much?

Stiles: What? I can't wait in line for the shower?

Trixie: GET OUT BOTH OF YOU! *morons*

You're mean when you're--

Trixie: GET OUT!!!!

Fine then *mumbles*
 Yeah, you go take a shower!

Stiles: If only I had thought of that..


Trixie: No! I craved spaghetti AND ice cream! Not just ice cream!



Nuffing! -.- 

We'll leave those two lovebirds alone..reading..uh, who does that? Well bye!

Stiles: AAHHH! *chucks book across the room*


Stiles: The people went on a bear hunt and...THEY SAW A BEAR!

Naw, really?

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