Trixie: C'mon, Kaleb! Get on the friggin' potty!
Kaleb: No! I don't wike mommah!
Trixie: What did you say, boy??
Kaleb: I love you mommie!
Trixie: That's what I thought!
Stiles: Trixie, your fat..
Trixie: I'm pregnant..
Stiles: A second one?
Trixie: I want at least seven!
Stiles: *faints*
Man, Trixie! You are fat!
Trixie: Shut the hell up! I might be carrying the next heiress!
What if it's a boy?
Trixie: Then I'll keep having babies 'til I get a freakin' girl!
Kaleb: DAAADDEH! Get ur wazy butt ova 'ere!
Stiles: Okayyy I'ma comin'!
Kaleb: Of cwose you are!! Get me out of this jail cell!
Pure evil...
Kaleb: MOMMEH! Gimme the danggit bloottle nooww!
Trixie: Don't you talk to me like that, boy!
Kaleb: WWAAAHHH!!!
Trixie: Geezez, just stop giving me a head ache!
Kaleb: Onwy Voice can dwo dat!
'Tis twue!
Stiles; *Hums* Cleaning, cleaning, if so fun...
Oh Sim-God help me!
Stiles: *Hums* Learn to clean, and s--
Stiles: :(
Trixie: MMMM Clean laundry..
You smell clothes?
Trixie: Yep!
You lint licker...
Trixie: :O How dare you! You biscuit!
I caught Trixie stuck like this until, like, midnight. It was funny!
Trixie: Can't move! Un-stick me! Use resetsim!
Can't..against the rules of the legacy!
Trixie: @#*&^!
Stiles fell in love...with the trampoline..
Stiles: Yahhooooo!!!!!
When he fell off, he started to play guitar..he was actually pretty good!
Stiles: Why, Sank you!
Kaleb: Get the camwa away from meh!! I told you!
Sorry, supposed to get equal footage of each family member!
Kaleb: Wats...
My favorite part of the birth phase..the actual birth..
Trixie: This isn't *huff* funnyyyyyy!!!!
This time, Stiles was actually here..
Stiles: What do I do????
Oh yeah, sucks you weren't there for Kaleb..
Stiles: Uh uhhhh...
What are doing?
Stiles: Acting like a woman, to see if I can figure this out...
Oh good god..
Stiles, are you really watching Trixie give birth?
Stiles: Yep!
Kaleb: Mommie's butt! Why is it in my face?
Trixie! You have a perverted son!
It's a boy..named Kale..Couch Potato and Loves the Outdoors...Stiles!
Trixie: Not another slobbery brat!
Trixie, you said you wanted seven!
Trixie: Girls! Not Boys!
Aged him up...he's not evil! Awww, he's cute!
Aww, he looks like Stiles..again..why can't there be a girl that looks like Trixie?
Kale: 'Cause giwls have cootez!
Uhh, how do you know that?
Oh, it's Kaleb's birthday! Hehehe...I didn't forget!
He gained the Slob trait...perfect, just perfect..hey kid what's wrong?
Kaleb: I have a little brother....I wanted a sister!
Don't worry, scamp. You're gonna get a sister soon enough..
Kaleb: Yay!!
Thanks for reading! Love you all!
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